Wednesday, November 4, 2020

6 Supplements for Brain Health, Healing Brain Injury, Preventing Dementia


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Monday, November 2, 2020

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Grafting Fruit Trees Easily for Any Beginner

Have you ever wanted to plant a row of fruit trees but didn’t have the money to spend on the trees? Pikawakawaka Valley Homestead walks us through this money saving, homesteading skill with their Guide to Grafting Fruit Trees.

I’m really excited to do this here in Georgia. I hope everyone tries this!

Further Reading:
The Backyard Orchardist
The Holistic Orchard
Growing Fruit Trees
The Fruit Gardener’s Bible

How to Use Vinegar for a Beautiful Garden

I love being self sufficient and learning how to use things in a different way. Bless My Weeds shows us 12 Ways to Use Vinegar in the garden that you may not have tried before!

I am trying #8. Bugs are a constant pest here in the South. Which one are you going to try out?

Learn more about bug control:
Bugs Be Gone
Attracting Beneficial Bugs to Your Garden
The Naturally Bug Free Garden
Homemade Repellents

Natural Wasp Repellent: Make A Pomander

Have you ever heard of making a pomander? Normally, people make pomanders with oranges around the holidays for decoration. However, this clever blogger makes pomanders with lemons and limes, which will keep wasps away! (And look gorgeous on the deck or patio!)

Get the scoop here: Pomanders

Learn more about bug control:
Bugs Be Gone
Attracting Beneficial Bugs to Your Garden
The Naturally Bug Free Garden
Homemade Repellents

Reduce Stress with These Easy, Simple Tips for Healing and Health

Did you know that April is Stress Awareness Month?

Try some of these tips to beat everyday stress?

Oatmeal fights anxiety’s negative effects.
Half an avocado a day should do the trick for any stress.
A handful of walnuts is all you need to tame stress.
Spinach and broccoli improves your body’s response to stress.
Eat blueberries to reduce stress.
Eating dark chocolate lowers stress level hormones. (YAY!!) These are my kryptonite, I apologize for introducing you.
Sip your stress away with water.
One glass of wine per day can reduce stress. (YAY!!)
A glass of warm milk is really calming.
The secret anti-stress ingredient to parsley and oranges is Vitamin C.

My personal favorite stress busters:
Take a calming bath with some Epsom salts and bubbles.
Learn pranayama, a deep breathing technique that helps under all circumstances.
Practice Reiki on a daily basis.
Keep a gratitude journal.

What are your favorite stress busters?

Celebrate Earth Day

Every year, I usually do a plant walk locally to celebrate Earth Day. Teaching local parents and kids about plants is fun for me. Well, anytime I get to talk about plants, I’m having fun.

This year, I haven’t found a spot to do a walk at yet. Since just moving to Southern Georgia, I’m still a bit unfamiliar with all the hot plant spots. (No pun intended, even though it will certainly get Hot later this summer.)

So my Earth Day To Do List is a bit different this year. And I thought I’d share it with you.

The first thing on my To Do list is to watch the rest of Planet Earth II. Did you know there was a new one? There is!! And I’ve seen almost all of it, except the last disc. So far, my favorite part are the bears and the *stripper tree pole* as my daughter so kindly refers to it. In her defense, it does look like the bears are getting all jiggy as they scratch themselves on this one tree. It’s pretty funny. You’ll have to tell me your favorite scene.

Then, I’m going to plant some weeds. Not flowers, not trees (although I may plant a lilac), but weeds. I don’t have a stinging nettle patch here in Georgia and haven’t seen nettles anywhere, so I’m planting some to keep my stock of 3x Stinging Nettle Tincture freshly updated. This will be my favorite (and cheap) Earth Day event. Seeds are only $6 and I can’t wait until I see those little nettles poke up!

Next, more weeds. I just have to get a place ready for them. I’m planting yarrow, calendula, borage, mugwort, wormwood, valerian, St. John’s Wort, chamomile, and comfrey.

So next year, if I haven’t found a natural habitat to do a plant walk, I’ll have created a great space for teaching. (At least begun a space, sigh.)

After I’m wilted and sunburned from planting all day, I’ll take myself into my cozy little house and dig into my new gardening book collection. I just bought these:

The Drunken Botanist: I can’t wait to dig into this and learn some new things about how alcohol is made from varying plants. What a fun read!

Wicked Plants: By the same author as above. This is about plants that have a Bad rap for many reasons. It will be another fun read!

The New Southern Living Garden Book: Now that I live in the South, this is a must have.

Southeast Home Landscaping: Having bought this little piece of property heaven in Georgia, it was a blank canvas upon moving in. Only a few bushes around the house were here. I have been carefully selecting my new plant companions and deciding how I want the layout of my garden spaces to function.

What are you doing to celebrate Earth Day?

Natural Mosquito Control with Plants to Grow Outdoors: Mosquitos Hate These Plants!

There are many plants that you can grow in containers on your deck or patio area to keep mosquitoes at bay. This is what people say anyway. Living in Southern Georgia, the bug fest capital of the world, I’m trying everything to help with the buggy population.

The oils of these plants are what bugs find offensive. So if you plant them around, you’ll have to activate their oils by giving them a rub and letting it linger while you are outside. (Oh darn, that means I’ll have to smell like rosemary, lemon balm, and lavender.)




Lemon Balm




Grab some seeds and Enjoy making those mosquitoes uncomfortable!

How to Use Coconut Oil for Medicinal Benefits for Healing and Health: Diabetes Alert!

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Hacks to Stop Smoking Naturally with These Simple Changes!

Did you know that there are dietary links in all tobacco users? These tips can help anyone detox from tobacco use.

Have you ever heard that people who eat lots of fruits and vegetables cannot stand the taste of tobacco? It is true. Meat, alcohol, and caffeine make tobacco taste better than it actually is. When trying to quit, increasing fruit and vegetable intake will help. By implementing just this one tip, tobacco will no longer taste good. Cravings will be less likely to occur.

Vitamin C is the one substance that can help a smoker detox their blood and body. By increasing the metabolism and white blood cell production, vitamin C carries nicotine right out. Drinking orange juice, eating kiwi, drinking carrot juice, and eating cauliflower are all great ways to kick up the Vitamin C intake.

Did you know that nicotine dehydrates the body? It does. When trying to detox, it is important to increase water intake to help flush kidneys and adrenals. The nicotine from one cigarette stays in the body for 48 hours. One easy choice is to drink coconut water to replenish electrolytes and minerals.

A lot of smokers will mistakenly think they are craving a cigarette when they are just hungry. By increasing fiber intake through fresh fruit and vegetables, this problem is easily solved. Fruit can reduce what are perceived cravings while helping the blood to naturally detox the tobacco.

Broccoli has lung protection built into it. Because broccoli is high in Vitamin B5 and fiber, it is a smart food to have on hand when trying to quit using tobacco products. A simple idea for making a quick broccoli side: Warm up 1-2 Tablespoons of coconut oil in a skillet on medium heat. Place your desired amount of broccoli in the skillet and cover for 5-6 minutes. The broccoli will release enough stored water to steam itself. When the broccoli is cooked to your desired texture, squeeze a little lemon over it. Sprinkle some powdered garlic on top and finish seasoning with salt and pepper as desired.

Spinach can make tobacco taste awful. The high folate level in spinach can send your brain signals that tobacco is poison. By eating a daily spinach salad, tobacco use will automatically decrease. Make sure to drink plenty of fluids as spinach can be rough on the kidneys. If kidney function is compromised, folate supplements can be substituted.

Beating Brain Fog Naturally with Herbs for Healing and Health

Brain fog is a common complaint and not something that was heard of just a decade or so ago. Gaining mental clarity only takes a little consciousness. I know it can be hard when you are in a fog, so bookmark this now and it will be much easier to remember when you need it.

Tips on How to Beat Brain Fog Naturally

Breathe in deeply to relieve brain fog. Sometimes we just aren’t getting enough oxygen. If you inhale and exhale quickly (think Lamaze style), you are sending your brain a signal to pay attention. Just this one tip can make a big difference.

Drink more water. Brain fog can be caused by dehydration and urinary tract infections. Drink that water up. And if you suspect an infection, don’t sit on it. Get it taken care of before it becomes a bigger problem.

Increase your Vitamin C. For the same reason as above, vitamin C helps the body stay hydrated and gives our white and red blood cells some nourishment and energy to do their work. My favorite quick pick me up is to squeeze a little lemon or lime in my water. Organic fruit infused water is another great way to increase your Vitamin C intake naturally without supplementation.

Drink some herbal tea. Rosemary, mugwort, stinging nettles, and alfalfa are all great for giving us a boost in nutrients and a zing in our step.

Watch sugar intake. Refined sugars will raise your level of inflammation. Sugars from natural sources like fruits and vegetables will keep your focus and energy steady.

Increase protein intake. Did you know that a protein deficiency can rob you of a positive outlook on life? It is true. The essential amino acids in protein keep your brain functioning at top level.

Find hidden food allergies and sensitivities. A lot of times, brain fog is caused by inflammation. When a person eats foods that they are sensitive to, the body has an immune reaction. Immune reactions cause inflammation. A simple way to find the foods you are sensitive to is to implement an elimination diet.

Try CoQ10 to decrease inflammation. When first trying to reduce inflammation, CoQ10 can be a great asset. It works by supporting mitochondrial function which can naturally decrease inflammation.

Learn More?

If you are as addicted to herbs and plants as I am, maybe you'd like to learn more. Join us for the Sacred Herbal Certification Course where you will learn step by easy step how to craft professional products at home. (You know there's more.)

My Grandmother taught me how to know a plant's medicinal properties in moments. This course teaches you this skill! You will be creating your own apothecary from Day 1. It is so much easier than you think!

Plant Based, Vegan Strawberry Delish Dressing Recipe

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How to Soak Your Cellulite Away with This Herbal Recipe for Your Bath!

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Basil Limeade Recipe for Cooling Menopausal Relief

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Basil Limeade Recipe

7 Health Benefits of Dandelions and How to Use Dandelions for Your Healing and Health

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How to Use Dandelion as a Liver Cleanse for Optimal Health and Healing Cancer and Stagnant Liver

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Cleanse and Detox the Liver with Dandelion Root

How to Grow Dill for Medicinal Purposes for Healing and Health Benefits

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How to Grow Medicinal Basil for Healing and Health Indoors and Outdoors

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How to Grow Medicinal Sage Indoors and Outdoors for Healing and Health

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Easy Fermenter Review for Safe, Home Fermenting and Gut Health and Healing

The easy fermenter has been making it’s way through healthy kitchens in lightning bolt speed. I also jumped aboard this trend, because eating fermented foods is extremely important to health. My daughter is recovering from Leaky Gut and this little contraption has helped her feel normal, again.

If fermenting food at home has been a struggle for you, or you wanted to learn how to ferment food at home, this is a great option for you!

The Easy Fermenter

Here are their claims and my feedback is in italics and bold:
★MOLD FREE FERMENTS – EVERY TIME – Our water less airlock valve technology lets carbon escape. But also makes sure zero oxygen can enter. So no exploding jars that need burping. And most importantly – no mold. We have even included a extractor pump to suck out the oxygen during the later stages of your ferments. All this without having to deal with those clunky 3 piece water filled airlocks. (I found this to be absolutely true! Usually with other batches, I would have at least half the batch mold. This alone made the purchase worth it for me!)
★BUILT IN DATE TRACKER – One of the challenges with fermenting is getting the timing right. Too soon, your batch is salty and raw. Too long it’s sour and not eatable. Our date setter keeps track when your ferment started so you always know when it’s almost complete. Perfect tasting batches every time. (This is a nice feature!)
★INTEGRATED EASY RELEASE TAB – There are few things as frustrating as those jars that just won’t open. You waited patiently for 30 days for your batch of sauerkraut to finish, only to be held hostage by a lid that’s jammed. So we incorporated an easy twist tab into the Easy Fermenter. This ensures you have all the leverage to open those hard to crack jars. We think you are going to love it. (This is a real thing! This is one of the biggest frustrations with fermenting food at home. The easy fermenter is easy to open.)
★THE LOW PROFILE LETS YOU FERMENT OUT OF THE WAY – We love fermenting. But we don’t always love having our ferments on our countertop. Our lids are a fraction of the size of those clunky three piece airlocks. This means we can store our jars almost anywhere a mason jar can fit. Getting those 30 day ferments out of the way. (This is a nice benefit!)
★WE WILL HELP YOU FERMENT – For a limited time you get a FREE membership to The Fermenting Club. This includes 1) 30 page getting started guide 2) Fermenting recipe e-cookbook 3)And access to our ask the experts forum where you can get any fermenting question answered by our team of pros ?100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE – Kits includes 3 Wide Mouth lids(Wide Mouth Jar Not Included) and Vacuum Pump Included – All Components BPA Free and Food Safe (I personally did not need this but this is a great option for people who are new to fermenting!)

I give the Easy Fermenter 4 out of 4 stars:
**** It’s Affordable!
**** It does what it claims to do!
**** It enriches my family life.
**** It is easy for anyone to access.

Grab your Easy Fermenter today!

How to Grow Medicinal Lavender for Natural Remedies and Home Healing Health

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Growing Mint for Medicinal Health Benefits Indoors and Outdoors

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Learn to Use Lemon Balm and Grow it to Treat Your Anxiety and PTSD

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How to Use Fresh Stevia as a Sugar Replacement for Better Health and Diabetes

Brewing the fresh or dried stevia leaf with herbal teas results in less of a bitter aftertaste. The liquid or powdered extracts are more convenient, but may lack some of the health benefits of the whole leaf. Stevia does not caramelize like sugar, which limits its use in baking.

Do not fall for the overly processed kind of stevia you can purchase in your grocery store. That stevia has no medicinal benefit whatsoever. You can make your own extracts with the tincture method by either using fresh leaves or dried leaves that you can purchase online.

Learn more about Herbs in this Free Course!

Dried Leaf Stevia Source
Stevia Seeds

I highly recommend growing some for yourself. I think you’ll find that growing stevia is easy and the sprigs make great additions for your Southern Sweet Tea (without the sugar load).

Grow Oregano Indoors for an All Winter Long Bacterial Infection and Virus Relief

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The Benefits of Parsley and How to Grow it for Healing Purposes

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3 Herbal Teas for Great Skin and Glowing Complexion

Learn more about Herbs in this Free Course!

For each recipe, use equal parts and steep for 8-9 minutes.

I like to use a french press or infuser pot to make teas from loose herbs. 

Youthful Skin Tea for Oily Skin

For oily skin, use the following cleansing and cooling herbs.

Lemon balm
Burdock root

Youthful Skin Tea for Dry Skin

For dry skin externally, add juicy herbs to help support the skin.

Marshmallow root

Youthful Skin Tea for Combination Skin

For combination skin, focus on nutrients and minerals to feed the skin.

Dandelion root
Nettle leaf
Burdock root

40 Plants and Herbs that Could Be Dangerous! Check your Contraindications When Using These 40 Herbs

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28 Easy Beginner Vegan or Plant Based Eating Recipes that Even Your Grandma Will Love

Transitioning into vegan eating, or even cutting back on meat consumption can be overwhelming. How much hummus can a person really eat before they feel like ho-hum?

This collection of recipes will have your mouth watering regardless of what you are in the mood for. Mexican? We have you covered. Italian? Oh yes! Asian? Absolutely! I personally qualified each of these websites and recipes. Some recipes are not vegan as they stand, however I’ll give you the tips on how to make them vegan.

I hope this compilation of recipes makes that thought (What am I going to eat?), diffuse into the past. Follow us on Pinterest for more ideas, too!

#1. Chopped Greek Salad (minus the feta). I adore Greek food. The flavors pop, the textures meld wonderfully, and this recipe is one I make frequently without the feta. If you want, you can add some tofu crumbles and squirt some lemon or lime on top for that same feta flavor.

#2. Loaded Sheet Pan Nachos: Completely vegan and will get you through your worst Mexican food craving like a vegan pro!

#3. Dandelion Pesto: This one is my recipe. You can always switch out the dandelion greens for your favorite greens and enjoy the Italian flavors.

#4. Dandelion Greens Salad: With a kick of seaweed, this has an amazing Asian flavor with fresh ingredients. If dandelions are out of season, try using kale, spinach, or your favorite greens.

#5. Mexican Cauliflower Rice: You can purchase cauliflower rice in Trader Joe’s for little to nothing and skip the making rice step. This is easy to put together and will certainly be a staple you’ll frequent.

#6. Mushroom & Greens Saute Over Pasta: I love my dandelion greens! They aren’t just free, they are incredible for your health. Remember you can use any kind of greens you prefer.

#7. Vegan Basil Pesto Over Pasta: If you are a frequent reader, you know if basil were single, I’d be locked down in basil marriage. This recipe took me years to perfect and it will not disappoint the pesto curmudgeons.

#8. One Pot Vegan Fettuccine: (This site has a lot of annoying ads, but this recipe is worth having to click them off your screen.) When you need a heavy carb load, this is perfect!

#9. Crockpot Mexican Quinoa Tacos: (A word of wisdom about quinoa: RINSE IT HARD.) I have so many people saying they don’t like quinoa because of the acid taste. That taste is from improper rinsing. If you are unsure about how much to rinse it, soak it, and then rinse it. That will dispose of the hard saponins that cover the quinoa seed. I love to make this with red quinoa.

#10. Vegan Breakfast Bowl: Oh yum. Oh—- just yum. (Again, rinse your quinoa!)

#11. Buffalo Chickpea Pizza: You will not miss the chicken. I had this in the restaurant. This is completely amazing. It will take some time to put the sauces together, but oh is it worth it. Did you know you can purchase chickpeas without the skins?

#12. Orange No-Chicken Over Rice: Love orange chicken? You are going to Adore this recipe! Served with rice, this is one of those rare perfect combos. You’ll never miss the chicken!

#13. Pho Soup: I still think the best Pho restaurant I’ve been to is in Seattle called Pho-King. Haha (a little Pho humor). But really, it’s a place. Pho is easily made vegan. Check out this version and grab your rice noodles here.

#14. Vegan Lasagna Soup: (This is another annoying ad site, but the concept of lasagna soup needed to be included in this ultimate list!) I haven’t made this one yet, but I will this fall/winter.

#15. Baked Black Bean & Sweet Potato Flautas: Switch out the cheeses for a vegan substitute and you have a vegan winner! I prefer the Go-Veggie brand of coconut cheeses, both cream cheese and all their shredded options. Grab your black beans here.

#16. Pulled BBQ Carrot Sammies: You may be thinking— wait, what? But I’m serious, you will feel the texture difference in your mouth however your taste buds will be happily impressed. I use this Vegan Organic BBQ sauce.

#17. Vegan Broccoli Salad: I live off of my own version of this. It is a staple and I’m never without it. It is so filling that you won’t need much. I also use dried cranberries in mine.

#18. Portobello Vegan Beef-Less Stew: Those chilly nights need this!

#19. Grilled Zucchini Hummus Wrap: My favorite flavors, in a wrap (minus the cheese). When I make my version of this, I use guacamole as my cheese with a sprinkling of nutritional yeast for the cheese flavor.

#20. Spicy Black Bean Burgers: You know, burgers were my favorite food before going vegan. This recipe will launch you into your past. Never miss burgers again. Black beans are such a huge staple for the vegan kitchen.

#21. Vegan Mac & Cheese: The ultimate comfort food, vegan style. I like to use this artichoke inulin pasta. It isn’t gluten free, but it digests like it is for those who can have gluten but don’t care for that heavy feeling.

#22. Vegan Hawaiian BBQ Pizza: Throw a little Hawaii in your cuisine. Hawaii has such a broad spectrum of flavors going on at once, you are sure to love this!

#23. Chickpea No-Tuna Salad Sammies: So I have to tell you, I saw this and said to myself: I can’t believe I didn’t think of this! It’s delicious.

#24. Chickpea Vegan Meatloaf: I was never a big meatloaf fan, even when I was eating meat. But I am a Huge chickpea meatloaf fan! This is one to take to any kind of event with meat eaters. They will want the recipe!

#25. Quinoa Chili: (RINSE YOUR QUINOA!) And then enjoy!!

#26. Zucchini Fritters: Oh I love zucchini fritters!! My kids fight over these. Your kids will love them, too!

#27. Vegan Sloppy Joes: There are so many versions that you can make with this recipe. Use the beans that you love, or mix it up and use a blend.

And my last share is my one secret weapon to making every salad, taste amazing. I don’t care if it’s broccoli, kale, ice berg, or chard, this recipe is awesome-sauce. Literally.

#28. Strawberry Dressing: This is my recipe and my treasure. I always keep strawberries on hand to make every couple of days. My son who swears he hates most vegetables or anything *green* will douse his veggies in this dressing and then say: Well, it isn’t green anymore. *Mom wins*.

Want More? Grab a copy of my book Plant Based Eating Made Simple!

Sugar Scrub Recipe

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Homemade Cough Drop Recipe

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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Herbal Learning Books, Personal Library Recommendations

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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Naturally Reduce Pain with this Herbal Tea Recipe

This herbal pain relief infusion tea recipe will help you live naturally. Plants are powerful and when combined with the right formula, there is nothing better to help heal than plants.


1/2 an inch of ginger, peeled and sliced

tsp of powdered organic turmeric

1/2 tsp of rose hips

pinch of cayenne pepper

Place all your ingredients in your cup or french press. Pour boiling water over, cover, and let steep for 8 minutes. Stir, then add a squeeze of lemon, raw honey to taste, and a bit of coconut oil. I do not strain my herbal infusions or teas. The plant material is good for you! Discard the ginger at the bottom before making another cup.

This is anti-inflammatory at its very core! This tea has helped relieve back pain, arthritis flare ups, fibromyalgia pain, and even headaches. (And it feels great on a sore throat!)

Herbs work at the core cause of inflammation, healing it, instead of masking it.

Learn More?

If you are as addicted to herbs and plants as I am, maybe you'd like to learn more. Join us for the Sacred Herbal Certification Course where you will learn step by easy step how to craft professional products at home. (You know there's more.)

My Grandmother taught me how to know a plant's medicinal properties in moments. This course teaches you this skill! You will be creating your own apothecary from Day 1. It is so much easier than you think!

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Lymph Cleanse Recipe

Did you know that when your lymph glands are happy and clear that you won’t feel the symptoms of viruses that you happen to pick up?

Did you know that you can keep your lymph clear with a daily dose of fabulous foods and herbs?


Mince 1 small onion

Mince 3 cloves of garlic

Mince 1 inch of ginger

Place in small jar and cover with honey. (Raw, local honey… no teddy bears please!)

Let it sit for at least 2 weeks. This is great by the teaspoon, added to your tea, or mixed with the following recipe for an even bigger punch.

Did you know that honey has natural allergen immunity properties? If you have allergies, using a local honey can give you immunity to your local allergens!


1/2 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar

1/4 Cup of Local Honey

Mix with the Lymph Honey Recipe for a nice lymph clear.

Our family does a lymph clear once a week as a preventative measure. As awful as these sound, the kids have no trouble taking them because they are essentially sweet.

Learn More?

If you are as addicted to herbs and plants as I am, maybe you'd like to learn more. Join us for the Sacred Herbal Certification Course where you will learn step by easy step how to craft professional products at home. (You know there's more.)

My Grandmother taught me how to know a plant's medicinal properties in moments. This course teaches you this skill! You will be creating your own apothecary from Day 1. It is so much easier than you think!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

DIY Tooth Whitening Powder Recipe

Easily ditch the chemicals and save a ton of money with this whitening tooth powder recipe.

I stopped using regular toothpastes years ago.


4 Tablespoons of bentonite clay (The clay is an important part of remineralizing teeth. Don’t skip it!)

1 teaspoon of baking soda (If you are sensitive, this ingredient is optional.)

1 teaspoon of fine sea salt

1/2 teaspoon of clove powder (This will strengthen your gums and teeth, and prevent toothaches.)

1 teaspoon of powdered peppermint (Tastes yummy!)

1 teaspoon of stevia (unrefined) (To sweeten it up just a tad.)

3/4 teaspoon of activated charcoal (the whitening ingredient) You’ll want to uncap the capsules and use the powder inside. Or grind up the disks of charcoal to add to your powder. Or if you grab powdered, you are just smart that way. =)

Measure the ingredients out into a small container that seals, mix, and you are ready to use!

(I pre-rinse my mouth with coconut oil also.) Coconut oil is great for the gums, kills bacteria, and nourishes hard to reach places.

To make a paste, just add the powder to coconut oil and brush like you would with store bought toothpaste.

Learn More?

If you are as addicted to herbs and plants as I am, maybe you'd like to learn more. Join us for the Sacred Herbal Certification Course where you will learn step by easy step how to craft professional products at home. (You know there's more.)

My Grandmother taught me how to know a plant's medicinal properties in moments. This course teaches you this skill! You will be creating your own apothecary from Day 1. It is so much easier than you think!

Monday, November 25, 2019

Thieves Essential Oil Blend Recipe

I’ve been using essential oils for years. As a note, I do not personally use any essential oils internally. There is no such thing as the grading system that some oil companies claim to have privy to. It just doesn’t exist. I’m sure we’ll see that change in the coming years as essential oils have made their way into our every day lives.

However you choose use essential oils, please use them responsibly.

*Never place essential oils on the skin without a carrier oil. Ever. This is a dangerous practice.

*Do not use essential oils on children that are not your own. Not in a diffuser, certainly not in their drink.

I love the thieves oil recipe in my diffuser. I use it all year long, every single day. We don’t have the common colds and flus that used to be passed around from person to person all year long.

I hope you give it a try. This recipe is a more affordable way to use thieves oil at home. This recipe will last you approximately 6 months if you use the products I use. I always purchase organic essential oils when I can. I recommend Plant Therapy essential oils. Most are organic and are half the cost of others.

Thieves Oil Recipe
40 drops of Clove Oil

35 drops of Lemon Oil

20 drops of Cinnamon Bark or Cassia

15 drops of Eucalyptus

10 drops of Rosemary

Add them together and put in an herbal tincture bottle

I diffuse a quarter of a dropper full in my diffuser with the appropriate amount of water.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Top 6 Herbs for Natural Pain Relief

All of these herbs are anti-inflammatory and can play a huge role in pain relief. To make a pain relief tea, take a pinch of the loose herbs (dried or raw) and place in a tea infuser. Boil water and pour boiling water in your cup with the infuser full of herbs. Then cover the cup and let steep for 8-10 minutes. Covering the cup as it steeps protects the herbal tea from losing important nutrition through evaporation. Please always choose organic ingredients.

Ginger is an excellent plant and herb for migraine pain relief. Ginger tea is a known remedy for heartburn and can even aid in nausea and morning sickness.

Rosemary naturally eases muscle tension and offers nerve related pain relief. Rosemary is great for chronic headaches and age related skin damage. Rosemary has also been said to increase circulation which makes it a good choice for brain fog and increasing mental clarity.

Chamomile is a gentle anti-inflammatory for stomach upset, adrenal fatigue, and stress related anxiety. Chamomile is so gentle and safe, that it can be used with very small children for teething pain relief. Chamomile is a great choice for after dinner tea because it stimulates digestion and helps the gall bladder process fats.

Turmeric is naturally antiseptic and antibacterial. It is great for disinfecting cuts and wounds externally and it’s a powerful antioxidant. It has been proven to increase circulation and aid in toxin removal. Turmeric also helps cellular structure and reproduction.

Sage lowers inflammation and keeps the mind clear. Burning sage is recognized in clearing negativity and stored energy in spaces and structures. Drinking a sage infusion or tea can help move stored energy from the body and muscles, lessening pain. Sage tea is commonly used in many cultures to help process trauma.

Fenugreek is a powerful anti-inflammatory and has been shown to reduce bad cholesterol.

Natural Remedies Facebook Group
Learn Herbs eBook
Herbal Course on Amazon

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Stinging Nettle Herb Profile: How to Make Stinging Nettle Medicine

Have you ever wondered how to harvest and use stinging nettles? This common weed grows throughout the world and is super packed with vitamins and minerals. Did you know that stinging nettles are one of the only plants that are a rich source of Vitamin D?

Stinging nettles are by far, one of my most used herbs. We eat them and make medicines from them. If there were one herb I couldn’t live without, stinging nettles would be it.

Nettles are super rich in minerals, vitamin C, vitamin D, iron, and helps the body metabolize protein.

Medicinally I use nettle tincture for: allergies, arthritis and joint pains (as it promotes the relief of uric acid), and for its incredible powerhouse of nutrition.

Other Medicinal Qualities of Nettles

Scientifically, stinging nettles are an astringent, diuretic, tonic, anodyne, pectoral, rubefacient, styptic, anthelmintic, nutritive, alterative, hemetic, anti-rheumatic, anti-allergenic, anti-lithic/lithotriptic, haemostatic, stimulant, decongestant, herpatic, febrifuge, kidney depurative/nephritic, galactagogue, hypoglycemic, expectorant, anti-spasmodic, and anti-histamine.

What does all that mean? It means nettles could help you with the following health concerns:

Joint and Muscle Complaints
Neurological Disorders (like MS)
Kidney Stones
Internal Bleeding
Skin Complaints
Women’s Issues
Metabolic Disorders
Weight Loss
Prostate Health
Celiac Disease
Purifies Blood
and so much more!

Now do you love nettles as much as I do?

Using Stinging Nettles

Before you run out to pick your nettle patch (or a neighbors), there is a trick to harvesting nettles without gloves or equipment. The stinging parts of the nettles are on the underside of the leaf and the stalk and atop the leaf straight down the middle. If you place your thumb and forefinger on the top sides of the leaf, close the leaf together and pull, you won’t be stung.

Create tinctures of nettles by filling a jar half full of fresh nettles. Then fill the jar to the brim with 100 proof alcohol. Shake daily for at least 2 weeks, strain, and bottle for use. I use tinctures in my herbal infusions, teas, and sometimes just straight under the tongue.

Make nettle apple cider vinegar by filling a jar half full of fresh nettles. Then top the jar off with an organic apple cider vinegar, making sure all the plant material is covered. Shake daily for at least 2 weeks, strain, then bottle for use. You can either make an elixir with the vinegar or even a salad dressing.

Saute nettles with a little coconut oil, lemon, and garlic for a delicious and nutritious side. When you cook nettles, they lose their sting.

Add nettles to soups or casseroles. Think about how you cook spinach, and replace it with nettles.

Take a Pacific Northwest traditional hot bath with nettles. It has been a long native tradition to soak in a tub of nettles to relieve muscle and joint pain.

Did You Know……

Nettles relieve uric acid and are fantastic for the kidneys and joints?

Nettles are anti-allergenic and can knock your seasonal allergies down?

Nettle roots make fantastic medicine for prostate health?

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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Top 5 Herbs to Start Your Herbal Medicine Cabinet

Starting an herbal remedy medicine cabinet (or apothecary) is easy on the pocketbook and easy to do. The following herbs and plants are great to have on hand and are very easy to work with.


Great for: insomnia, anxiety, restlessness, colds, stuffy noses, tension, irritability, gas, indigestion, upset stomach, sore muscles, & is even safe for teething babies! Can help with bladder infections, kidney issues, and calming adrenals.

I keep the loose herb on hand, as well as in tea form as an easy herbal remedy . For babies, soak a washcloth in chamomile tea, ring it out, and let them chew on it for teething relief. Chamomile is a powerful plant with gentle properties that almost anyone can use.


Great for: boosting immunity, fever, colds, flu, coughs, sore throat, parasites, indigestion, ear infections, coughs, and is an over all general tonic.

I keep pure garlic powder on hand (no fillers) to add to everything I make: casseroles, soups, roasting vegetables, and my own spice blends. I also mince up garlic, put it in a small jar airtight jar, pour olive oil in it. Keep it in the refrigerator and you’ll have minced garlic. (It saves a ton of money and you can add ginger, too!)


Great for: relieving cramps (menstrual and muscle), headaches, fibromyalgia pain, indigestion, insomnia, nausea, and is a powerful aromatic herbal remedy.

I use peppermint in many ways. I always have a blend of mint tea on hand. I grow peppermint to juice every morning. I keep a small bag of dried peppermint on hand for when the kids get stuffy noses. I’ll heat up some water, add some peppermint leaf and essential oils to create a sinus steam. It works super fast. Keep tissues handy!


Great for: anxiety, keeping calm, restlessness, nervousness, fevers, colds, flu, and is a powerful anti viral.

Lemon balm is one of the key herbal remedy ingredients a person can have.

I keep a triple tincture of Lemon Balm on hand always. If you’ve ever used Rescue Remedy, it works in the same way. Just add some tincture to your tea.


Great for congestion (inhalation only) and as an insect repellent. Only use eucalyptus externally.

I add eucalyptus to the herbal remedy steam along with peppermint when my kids get sick. I use a dried leaf form for that. For bug spray, I use an essential oil added to rose water. Eucalyptus is also a key ingredient for a natural, homemade flea spray for dogs.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Top 10 Immune Boosting Foods for Cold and Flu Season

Boost immune system function with these foods and herbs.

Garlic. Garlic is a natural antibiotic. The compound allicin is what researchers believe give garlic such power. When you are chopping garlic, have you noticed that sticky substance that forms, causing the garlic to stick to your knife? That sticky stuff is allicin. To get the most benefit from the garlic you use, chop it finely and let it sit for 5 minutes. In those 5 minutes, the allicin will develop fully.
Onions. Onions are naturally anti-microbial. The sulfides in onions make them similar to garlic. Onions also contain allicin and should be chopped up finely. Letting the chopped onions rest will allow allicin to fully develop.
Fermented Foods. Fermented foods contain the natural bacteria that helps your digestive system work efficiently. You’ve heard the buzz about probiotics? Fermented foods contain all the live bacteria from food, rather than a supplement. Great examples are: yogurt, kombucha, kimchi, or sauerkraut. Make sure to choose a low sugar, healthy option. Fermented foods are easy to make at home.
Sweet Potatoes. Naturally high in Vitamin A and sulfur, sweet potatoes need their own spotlight as an immune boosting food. They are rich in beta-carotene. Sweet potatoes are a natural, powerful anti-oxidant as well as an anti-inflammatory.
Mushrooms. Mushrooms naturally power up your immune system by fueling white blood cells. If you suspect an infection, mushrooms are an easy way to power up. The most powerful sources of immune boosting mushrooms are Reishi, Shiitake, and Maitake.
Elderberries. Elderberries pack a powerful punch of immunity. These little black berries have been common treatment for AIDS patients, cancer patients, and were used in flu pandemics throughout history. Elderberry syrups are becoming quite popular and found almost everywhere.
Oysters. Oysters contain a high amount of zinc. Zinc has been reported to shorten the length of colds and virus attacks. Zinc is very important in the healing of wounds, which makes it a natural anti-inflammatory.
Coconut Oil. Coconut oil is rich in all the fatty acids that we need to assimilate proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Coconut oil increases the benefit of all other powerful immune boosting foods.
Cinnamon. Cinnamon is naturally anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial. Cinnamon destroys the pathogens that cause illness.
Lentils. Lentils are one of the only foods naturally high in Vitamin E. They are also high in fiber, protein, iron, and are easily digestible. When someone in my family begins to show small symptoms of being under the weather, I reach for lentils and make a rich soup with many of the ingredients above to boost immune system function in all of us.

While I have trouble ending with only 10 immune boosters, here are some of my other favorites: lemons, kale, broccoli, herbal infusions, grapefruit, cayenne pepper, oregano, turmeric, ginger, and nettles.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Natural Sore Throat Remedy List

This herbal sore throat remedy list has proven itself in my family. There are adult and kid-friendly options in this herbal sore throat remedy list.


Boil your water and make a sage tea to gargle with. Let it steep and cool. Another great herbal addition is slippery elm bark. You will want to strain your tea or use a tea bag to keep plant parts out. Plant parts could irritate the inflamed tissues if not strained.


You will need…
-2 oz. bourbon or whiskey
-1 tablespoon of raw honey, or more
-4 ounces hot water
-1 teaspoon squeezed lemon juice
-1 slice fresh lemon

Pour the alcohol into a large mug. Add the honey, and leave the spoon in the mug. Pour the hot water into the mug, making sure it gets the last bit of honey off the spoon. Add the lemon juice and stir well. Add your lemon!


You will need…
-1 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar
-1 tablespoon of raw honey
-sprinkle of cinnamon powder
-1 cup of very warm water

Mix ingredients into very warm water. Drink it while it’s still warm.


This is my personal go to and favorite.

You will need…..

-A pinch of marshmallow root
-An inch of fresh ginger root, peeled and chopped
-A spoonful of honey
-A sprinkle of cinnamon powder
-A pinch of slippery elm bark
-hot water

Directions: Place them all in your cup and fill up with boiling water. Cover and let steep for at least 8 minutes. Enjoy! (If you have a lot of pain associated with your sore throat, add a pinch of cayenne pepper. Cayenne is a natural pain reliever.)

Other options to add to your tea: licorice root, cayenne, baking soda, honeysuckle, whole cloves (NOT the clove oil!), chamomile, pomegranate, hibiscus, lavender, sage, lemon balm, and oregano.

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